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Videokliovi trenutno sortirani po: Naslov (Z do A)
(0 glasova)

"Life project" documentary film short english version
"Life project" documentary film short english version
(0 glasova)

A short story about tortoise admirers and their small expedition in Croatia in 2007. Their interest in tortoises is only research oriented. The encountered tortoises were morphometrically analyzed,...
A short story about tortoise admirers and their small expedition in Croatia in 2007. Their interest in tortoises is only research oriented. The encountered tortoises were morphometrically analyzed,...
Submitter: Marijan
Publisher: expertvillage
Published: Ned, 26-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 2052
Time: 0:01:16
Publisher: expertvillage
Published: Ned, 26-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 2052
Time: 0:01:16
(0 glasova)

Desert tortoises eat vegetables, but they prefer dried plants and grasses. Learn to care for desert tortoises with tips from the owner of a reptile store in this free pet care video.
Desert tortoises eat vegetables, but they prefer dried plants and grasses. Learn to care for desert tortoises with tips from the owner of a reptile store in this free pet care video.
Submitter: Marijan
Publisher: OtvoreniStudio
Published: Ned, 26-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 1881
Time: 0:02:27
Publisher: OtvoreniStudio
Published: Ned, 26-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 1881
Time: 0:02:27
(0 glasova)

Usamljeni Džordž - jedina džinovska kornjača na svetu
Usamljeni Džordž najpoznatiji je stanovnik arhipelaga Galapagos. Biolozi kažu da je Džordž jedina džinovska kornjača i d...
Usamljeni Džordž - jedina džinovska kornjača na svetu
Usamljeni Džordž najpoznatiji je stanovnik arhipelaga Galapagos. Biolozi kažu da je Džordž jedina džinovska kornjača i d...
(0 glasova)

Simon Reeve visits Lonesome George whilst he visits the Galapagos islands and tells his story.
Simon Reeve visits Lonesome George whilst he visits the Galapagos islands and tells his story.
Submitter: Marijan
Publisher: National Geographic
Published: Pet, 27-Nov-2015
Pregledi: 2177
Time: 0:02:20
Publisher: National Geographic
Published: Pet, 27-Nov-2015
Pregledi: 2177
Time: 0:02:20
(0 glasova)

In this video from a Pristine Seas expedition to the Seychelles, under way now, expedition leader Paul Rose stumbles upon mating giant tortoises on Assumption Island. The angry male pursues Rose an...
In this video from a Pristine Seas expedition to the Seychelles, under way now, expedition leader Paul Rose stumbles upon mating giant tortoises on Assumption Island. The angry male pursues Rose an...
(0 glasova)
