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Videokliovi trenutno sortirani po: Popularno (najmanje do najvise pregleda)
Submitter: Marijan
Publisher: expertvillage
Published: Ned, 26-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 1887
Time: 0:01:25
Publisher: expertvillage
Published: Ned, 26-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 1887
Time: 0:01:25
(0 glasova)

Box turtles do very well in outdoor pens. Learn to care for box turtles with tips from the owner of a reptile store in this free pet care video.
Expert: Tim Cole
Bio: Tim Cole has k...
Box turtles do very well in outdoor pens. Learn to care for box turtles with tips from the owner of a reptile store in this free pet care video.
Expert: Tim Cole
Bio: Tim Cole has k...
Submitter: Marijan
Publisher: expertvillage
Published: Ned, 26-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 1899
Time: 0:01:27
Publisher: expertvillage
Published: Ned, 26-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 1899
Time: 0:01:27
(0 glasova)

Turtle tanks are only used for specific water turtles. Learn to set up a turtle tank with tips from the owner of a reptile store in this free pet care video.
Expert: Tim Cole
Bio: T...
Turtle tanks are only used for specific water turtles. Learn to set up a turtle tank with tips from the owner of a reptile store in this free pet care video.
Expert: Tim Cole
Bio: T...
Submitter: Marijan
Publisher: expertvillage
Published: Ned, 26-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 1904
Time: 0:01:56
Publisher: expertvillage
Published: Ned, 26-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 1904
Time: 0:01:56
(0 glasova)

Mini turtles are easier to keep as small pets than large turtles. Get information about small pet turtles with tips from the owner of a reptile store in this free pet care video.
Mini turtles are easier to keep as small pets than large turtles. Get information about small pet turtles with tips from the owner of a reptile store in this free pet care video.
(0 glasova)

This is such a cute turtle. (And, yes, it has plenty of bog substrate in the rest of its exhibit, which is not shown in this video!)
This is such a cute turtle. (And, yes, it has plenty of bog substrate in the rest of its exhibit, which is not shown in this video!)
Submitter: Marijan
Publisher: expertvillage
Published: Ned, 26-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 2004
Time: 0:01:32
Publisher: expertvillage
Published: Ned, 26-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 2004
Time: 0:01:32
(0 glasova)

Vitamin deficiencies cause many common turtle diseases. Identify symptoms of turtle diseases by looking at their shell with these tips from the owner of a reptile store in this free pet care video....
Vitamin deficiencies cause many common turtle diseases. Identify symptoms of turtle diseases by looking at their shell with these tips from the owner of a reptile store in this free pet care video....
Submitter: Marijan
Publisher: chennaiNature
Published: Cet, 02-Okt-2014
Pregledi: 2077
Time: 0:01:51
Publisher: chennaiNature
Published: Cet, 02-Okt-2014
Pregledi: 2077
Time: 0:01:51
(0 glasova)

Lissemys punctata
Lissemys punctata
Submitter: Marijan
Publisher: expertvillage
Published: Ned, 26-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 2098
Time: 0:01:37
Publisher: expertvillage
Published: Ned, 26-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 2098
Time: 0:01:37
(0 glasova)

Pet turtles don't like to be handled, which is an important consideration when choosing pets. Learn more about turtle characteristics with tips from the owner of a reptile store in this free pet ca...
Pet turtles don't like to be handled, which is an important consideration when choosing pets. Learn more about turtle characteristics with tips from the owner of a reptile store in this free pet ca...
Submitter: Marijan
Publisher: expertvillage
Published: Ned, 26-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 2107
Time: 0:01:16
Publisher: expertvillage
Published: Ned, 26-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 2107
Time: 0:01:16
(0 glasova)

Pet turtles may react to the owner's presence, especially if they are fed often by the same person. Discover common pet turtle behaviors with tips from the owner of a reptile store in this free pet...
Pet turtles may react to the owner's presence, especially if they are fed often by the same person. Discover common pet turtle behaviors with tips from the owner of a reptile store in this free pet...
(0 glasova)

Submitter: Marijan
Publisher: expertvillage
Published: Pon, 20-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 2200
Time: 0:01:42
Publisher: expertvillage
Published: Pon, 20-Jan-2014
Pregledi: 2200
Time: 0:01:42
(0 glasova)

Eastern box turtles are one of two species of box turtles found in the United States. Discover facts about eastern box turtles with information from a published biologist in this free video on turt...
Eastern box turtles are one of two species of box turtles found in the United States. Discover facts about eastern box turtles with information from a published biologist in this free video on turt...