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Poslano od Aqua Uključeno 28.12.2006 17:26:03 (4563 glasi)
Porodica:Cichlidae Smanjena slika
Prvi opis:Lichtenstein, 1823
Sinonim:Pterophyllum scalare
Pterophyllum eimekei
Platax scalaris
Ime(eng):Freshwater angelfish
Poreklo:Juzna Amerika

Pterophyllum Scalare, popularno zvan skalar (princ akvarijuma, angelfish) je jedna od najzastupljenijih riba u akvarijumu. Zbog svojih velikih peraja i i elegantnog tela predstavlja jednu od najlepsih i najrasirenijih akvarijumskih riba.
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Poslano od Marijan Uključeno 21.12.2006 18:27:53 (14193 glasi)
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Captive Breeding of
McCord’s Box Turtle
Cuora mccordi ERNST, 1988

- by H. Artner -

Cuora mccordi was described as recently as 1988 on the basis of market/pet trade specimens. There are as yet no reports of the natural occurrence of this species. It may well be that it has already become extinct in its East Asian habitat. The life history of the species is therefore virtually unknown.
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Poslano od Marijan Uključeno 18.12.2006 22:45:46 (1983 glasi)
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Vodenkonj koji je preživio tsunami utjehu našao u ljubavi s kornjačom

NAIROBI - Kad je krajem prosinca 2004. godine katastrofalni tsunami stigao do obale istočne Afrike, skupina vodenih konja uživala je brčkajući se u rijeci Sabaki.
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Poslano od Marijan Uključeno 18.12.2006 22:26:27 (2858 glasi)
Keeping and Breeding the
Yellow-headed Sideneck
Podocnemis cayennensis
(SCHWEIGGER, 1812) over years

- by Harald Artner -
Keeping and breeding of the Yellow-headed Sideneck or Terecay Podocnemis cayennensis in captivity are described in detail. Own observations and data are compared with other published data. Comments on its distribution, natural history and nomenclatural problems are also given. Until 2000 two adult pairs of the species were kept. Since then only one pair remained. The remaining female has successfully reproduced in 1997, 2001, 2002, and in 2005. All together, 53 hatchlings were produced. They had carapace lengths of appr. 40 mm and weighed 10 g.
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Poslano od Marijan Uključeno 28.10.2006 15:01:38 (7517 glasi)
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Postoji li u Hrvatskoj patuljasti somić (Ameiurus nebulosus)?

Novija istraživanja na Zavodu za zoologiju vertebrata Biološkog odsjeka PMF-a pokazala su da je u Hrvatskoj gotovo iskljućivo prisutan crni somić (Ameiurus melas).
Posljednjih je godina ovo pitanje pokrenuto i u mnogim drugim europskim državama, te je u velikom broju njih ustanovljena većinska prisutnost crnog somića. On je u Europu unesen početkom prošlog stoljeća zajedno sa patuljastim somićem radi uzgoja u toplovodnim ribnjacima.
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